Osman Salih

Osman Salih is an active activist most notable for social justice and animal rights. He is an occasional writer and graphics artist.
Sleepless in Sudan
Did I tell u I can’t sleep
That my eyes just weep
That I am just scrolling through feeds
Looking for inspiration
Looking for motivation
You can’t understand my aggravation
You can’t comprehend the desperation
I’m scared to close my eyes
So I’m just reading all these lies
If I sleep I’ll wake up to something worse
Or is that just a verse
Maybe If I stay up till sunrise I’ll see clearer skies
Or at least avoid hearing those cries
Oh look, everyone’s profile is blue
Just like my feelings, who knew
I’m following the SPA
Who are part of the FFC
That are negotiating with the TMC
Who’s being pressured by the RSF
Coz influence from KSA and MBS
Not to mention UAE and president CC
That probably got you dizzy
We lost our leverage
Our blood flowing in the Nile like a beverage
Damn you for trying to tarnish our legacy. Damn you for bringing fear to our streets. Damn you for shedding our blood in vain.
By our faith, our peacefulness and our smile we will succeed.
Didnt u know you were burrying a seed
How dare you think you could defeat us. How dare you think you could rule us.
How dare you think you could comprehend us.
Move aside and watch us Rise, you can’t block our tide.
June 30th is the day
June 30th is the way
Thank you for reading this
Now it’s time to get serious
I need you to share our message
That we are unarmed and defenseless
We need back up coz we’re going in
We really need this win
Share the hashtag share the poster
Just don’t lay down like a coaster
Pray for us for real
And try to understand how we feel
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Merghani Salih